Bring retail expert and influencer Carol Spieckerman to your next event.

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Have you ever invested in a conference only to hear the same presentation given ten different ways? Are you tired of speakers using your podium to pedal their books and services? Do you secretly think, "This is interesting, but what in the world does it mean to my business?"

Your standards for beyond-the-obvious insight and actionable takeaways are higher than ever.

They should be!

These days, your corporate events, user conferences, trade confabs, and trainings have to bring on the value. Pure and simple. You and your teams don't have time to sit through obvious observations when all kinds of information is a click away. You need to know what really matters, what it means to your business, and what to do about it.

spieckerman speaks retail podcast logo

“As fast as retail is moving, once something becomes a trend, it's too late.”

a photo of carol spieckerman retail expert speaking at an event

Transcend the Trends

Carol's Retail Trajectories are proprietary calls to action that she constantly creates, connects and maps across categories, channels, borders, business models, and touchpoints. They are shortcuts that make sense of all of the seemingly random stuff happening in retail so you can do something about it, regardless of where you play. That way, retailers, brand marketers, manufacturers, distributors, tech companies, software and service providers, and others who rely on retail can participate in what's next.

a photo of carol spieckerman retail expert at Walmart HQ

Retail Trajectories Keynotes

Carol specializes in creating and delivering content that is relevant to diverse audiences with takeaways that resonate with operations, executive, marketing, sales, and creative teams. She loves curating her latest Retail Trajectories to support your event goals and themes. Tell her who's coming and she'll mastermind a story that pulls it all together and sets the tone for your entire event. Making you look good to your teams, members, constituents, and customers is her passion. No canned presentations or pitches from the podium. Just fresh, actionable, of-the-moment insights.

BrainTrust RetailWire Expert Panelist Carol Spieckerman 2024 Badge
rethink retail top retail experts Carol Spieckerman 2024

Hot Retail Trajectories

Have an event theme you want to bring home? Carol is tracking 30-50 trajectories at any given time that distill retail's higher truths for diverse retail stakeholders. Carol would love to customize a talk specifically for your audience, tapping her latest Retail Trajectories.

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The Secret Sauce

As a sought-after retail thought leader, strategist, speaker, and frequent media contributor, Carol continually delivers valuable insights across a dizzying array of categories, channels, and touchpoints.

But here's the twist, she also advises leading brands and solution providers on how to position the great stuff they already do in retail. Combine it all and you have more than just a host, panelist, or speaker, you have an authoritative voice championing your story. Carol will transform a generic podcast interview, webinar, panel, or media appearance into stand-out storytelling that promotes your value and matter to high-value prospects, stakeholders, and strategic partners.

a group of people listening to a lecture

Client Events and Panels

"We want to be thought leaders, not just vendors." I hear it more often and it's music to my ears! My solution provider, content platform, and agency clients (and their clients!) want to be go-to resources for their valued partners. Many are creating content and hosting virtual and live events for the first time ever. Whether you want to tee up your company or clients as an answer to where retail is going next or you're looking to bring a true retail expert to the table to talk about the "why" behind what's really happening in retail, Carol is ready to roll. Book a one-time event or keep the magic going with a retail media partnership.

Bring real retail thought leadership to your teams, clients, & content platforms

Engage Carol Spieckerman for your next event!